Manual Breast Pump Comparison

You're on the hunt for a manual breast pump and I’m here to help! Whether you're looking for a backup pump or a discreet and portable solution for on-the-go pumping, you'll find a variety of manual breast pumps available. Let’s compare some of the most popular (and my personal favorites) to help you find the perfect on for you.

breast pump

Let’s Establish the Hype

Manual pumps are AMAZING. Truly, they are my all time favorite breastfeeding products. If you get one object to prepare for breastfeeding - get one of these! It’s honestly hard to describe and understand the perks until you’ve used one. Manual breast pumps are a versatile (and cheap!) option for nursing moms. They’re small/easy to toss in your diaper bag, they’re customizable, & they’re effective! They don’t have any hype, but they deserve it!


Medela Harmony

Medela knows the breastfeeding game, and this is like a trusty friend. It's got a comfy grip and a two-phase expression system that mimics your baby's natural rhythm. There is a short letdown mode in the front and then a slow, stronger suction in the back. Hate to spoil it at the beginning - this is my go to, personal favorite. Its sturdy, easy to clean, practical, and effective. You cannot go wrong with this guy.


The Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump is all about simplicity and efficiency. The ComfortFit cushion flange ensures a snug and comfy fit, making pumping feel like a breeze. It's a snap to put together and clean, making it a mom's best bud on busy days. I love this option! It includes the ability to stimulate a letdown, although I’ve found that the lever to intiate the letdown is a little finicky compared to the Medela.

Haakaa Silicone

For the ultimate in ease, meet the Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump. Just pop it on your breast, and let it do its magic. This one's perfect for catching extra milk while your little one nurses on the other side. It's eco-friendly, hands-free, and a breeze to clean. It definitely takes some practice to get use it. 2 warnings: it tips over easily after using and it can be overused.

Philips Avent

Philips Avent brings you a comfortable and effective manual pump. The massage cushion is like a little spa day for your breasts. It's lightweight, compact, and fits nicely in your bag for on-the-go pumping adventures. Its a bit on the pricier side for something that works relatively the same as other brands. However, it does fit nicely with their bottles. So if Philips Avent is your go-to bottle - I say go for it!

Elvie Curve

Elvie Curve is the cool kid on the block. It's designed for comfort and discretion. Wear it in your bra for hands-free pumping while you go about your day or while nursing your baby to catch a letdown. It's perfect for keeping things low-key and the adjustable suction means it's all about your comfort. You can wear it with no suction just for leaking. I LOVE this product, but I will say I don’t think it works as well as a traditional “hand pump” with a lever. Keep this guy for when your in a pinch or don’t want anyone to know you’re expressing milk. This guy has a cheaper little brother, too, if you aren’t excited about the investment.

Choosing a manual breast pump doesn't have to be a headache. Whether you're leaning towards the Medela Harmony's trustworthiness, the Haakaa's simplicity, or the modern convenience of the Elvie Curve, there's a manual pump for everyone. These pumps are here to make your life easier, and the best one for you is the one that helps you express milk comfortably and conveniently. So, pick your partner in pumping and keep on rocking the breastfeeding journey!

Need help picking out a pump or need to start a milk stash for back to work? Click the link below!


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