Baby Registry Guide

Culture, companies, bloggers, and more all try to convince us that you need ALL of the baby products in order to be a functioning mom. That on top of all the baby products that exist are you left thinking: what do I actually need to register for? If so, this is for you!

I want to walk you through some of the things you may or may not need (because there’s almost no way I can address everything), and I’m going to give you options. I’m not trying to sell you on one specific product, all the products, or convince you to do what I did. This is just a list of things our mamas have recommended and some discussion to accompany these items! Keep in mind, each of these sections could be its own post, but I’m summarizing it here.

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These are the products that you honest-to-goodness cannot live without… and I mean long-term you can’t function without them.

Car Seat:

I personally used the Uppababy Mesa infant car seat for the first year and we transitioned to the Maxi Cosi Pria All-in-One. You have 2 options when it comes to registering for car seats really: you can buy one car seat for the duration of your child's life or you can buy an infant car seat and then a convertible car seat. I personally loved having an infant car seat because if my nugget was asleep I could just pop the car seat out without having to move him, AND now that I have my oldest in his convertible car seat, I don’t have to buy another infant car seat… I already have one for baby #2. It’s also a bonus if it can work with your stroller. But here are some of the top contenders per our followers:






Not pictured: Nuna Pipa, Nuna Rava


Make sure to think long-term about your stroller. What do you plan on doing with it? Are you hoping to use it daily around town, are you a runner, do you travel frequently, will you have multiple children in the stroller? These questions will help you decide if you need to splurge or keep it simple.


Not pictured: Mockingbird Stroller comes highly recommended.

A Place to Sleep:

Clearly your newborn will need a safe place to sleep. Luckily, your baby will most likely sleep anywhere (on your chest, in the car, in a swing, etc.) So, the better question to ask yourself is where do you want your baby to sleep while you sleep?


I personally loved my halo bassinet. It was worth every penny in my experience. When you are sore, recovering, tired, and breastfeeding… to be able to push down that lever and scoop up your baby is completely invaluable. We have also been able to lend it to several friends after we were finished with it, so it has actually gotten SO much use! While conversely, some moms like to use a stroller attachment with a stand, a pack-n-play, or get creative with something else since they know the baby’s time in their room will be limited. Think through your sleeping plan for the first several weeks and decide if this is where you want to focus your attention. But whatever you decide, make sure you practice safe sleep practices in order to reduce the risk of SIDS!!


You’ll need a crib either way, but I’ll let you pick that out on your own:)


All the extras:

These are some of the products that you technically don’t “need” because you and your baby can likely thrive without them… but they may make your life a little easier or you/your baby may love it!

  • Changing Pad

    • My husband will tell you this changing pad is BY FAR his favorite product we have ever purchased for our son (lol how random!) since it was so easy to keep clean. It can be nice to have a dedicated place to put your baby where you know you’ll have all the diaper changing supplies and where your babe can comfortably lay while you take care of his or her business. However, your baby does not require this because you can change a baby really anywhere.

  • Swings

    • This is debatable! You’ll feel obligated to get one, but most of the time they don’t actually get much use. If you decide to get one… seriously only get only one! Pick your favorite and go with it… they take up so much room and your baby outgrows it by around 3 months old (and sometimes your baby may hate it.)

  • Seats

    • Really you are just going to need somewhere to put your baby when you cannot hold them. You have so so many options, but you don’t need a lot (or any) of these if you don’t think you’ll use them much! Be sure to think about what types of situations you’ll want/need a seat. What developmental stage will you need it for? Do you plan to travel with it? In all honestly, babies can lay on the floor if you’re in a safe place… so don’t feel pressured into this one (again, you do NOT need all of these!) but here are some popular options.

  • Baby Carrier

    • Wearing a baby is one of the easiest ways to be mobile with a newborn. You are hands-free while they are warm n’ snug (plus they can sleep on you). A carrier was the only way my dishes were able to be cleaned in those early months. You may be shocked to find out that dad may love it too:)

  • Night Light

    • Trust me when I say this is a must-register-for item (and not super pricey). No one wants to turn on all the lights in the house, in your room, or in the nursery every, single time your baby wakes in the night. Research which one you think would fit best for your family and I doubt you’ll regret getting it!

  • Sound Machine

    • They can be helpful to cancel out additional noise (in their room, in the hallway, or on a stroll.) Most babies do love sound machines as they’re so accustomed to the various sounds that were present in the womb, but there’s nothing wrong with a silent room too!

  • Pack-n-Play (AKA portable sleeping option)

    • These are great especially if your family is on the move & traveling a lot. They can also be used as a little playpen for when your nugget becomes mobile but you need them to play in a safe place while you get stuff done. The prices range on these things like crazy, so think about what’s important to you: portability, cost, size, etc. It’s an accessory but not a necessity - unless you travel. Travel Tip: lots of hotels have cribs you can request, so before lugging this thing around check with your hotel.

  • Diaper Bag

    • Lots and lots of options here, but some moms just like to use a big purse and never look back. There is no “perfect” diaper bag. Just get one you think you’ll use long-term that has good reviews. The last thing you want is to use a diaper bag a few times, and then it breaks/rips. Longevity was important for me, but again some moms just have a big purse and throw the baby items in their bag with their stuff and never worry about a separate bag for the baby (which after switching my keys and wallet a thousand times… isn’t a bad idea).

Not Pictured but highly recommended: Fawn Design Diaper Bag and Tote Bag Organizer (for larger purses)

  • Baby Monitor

    • Okay, this one is kinda essential, but not technically. Do you want wifi, video, sound only, long-range? These are some of the most popular options:

  • Frida mom

    • If you want to give your postpartum self a wonderful present, do not forget about Frida Mom products. I thought for sure they weren’t worth the money or the additional space, but boy I was very thankful I had some of their products. Notable mentions to their peri bottle, underwear, and foam! All their stuff you can definitely live without, but I would be doing y’all a disservice if I didn’t tell you how much I loved those 3 specific products.

  • Humidifier

    • Not essential, but with my background as a pediatric nurse, I have to recommend this. It’s so helpful for when your baby gets a cold (cough and congestion) but they aren’t old enough to be able to get any of that gunk out.

  • Car Seat Mirror

    • You’ll want to be able to see your little one while you’re driving, but you can pick this out on your own… they’re all the same

  • Aquaphor

    • World’s best diaper cream! Perfect for eczema, dry skin, rashes, or literally anything. Yes, register for it because you can never have enough, and you might as well get a registry discount on it.

  • Play Mat

  • Again, babies can lay in a safe place on the ground for some play or tummy time. Do NOT get more than one of these. They all look a little different… but they all accomplish the same goal. Pick one and roll with it!

  • High Chair

  • This can be helpful to have on your registry because they can get expensive, but you really don’t need a high chair until they’re able to sit up on their own and are eating solids (typically around 6 months). I recommend youtube reviews for picking this out. Here are some that are popular though.

Not Pictured: Oxo Tot Sprout High Chair


  • Goodness there are a billion of these and all babies are different, my best suggestion is to talk to friends and see if you can borrow some until you find one that your baby does well with. Otherwise, buy one or two and buy another as needed.

Something is off with the price on Amazon as of 1/13. They’re typically $50-60.

Not Pictured: Kyte Baby Swaddle

Breastfeeding Supplies

My personal favorite because I could (& do) chat about this all day long. Remember: different things work for different people and this is a VERRRY summarized version of a future blog post (stay tuned).

  • Bottles

    • If you don’t ever plan on giving your baby a bottle, that is great too. But… if you plan on being away from your baby for a girl’s night, a trip, or work you’ll eventually need some type of bottle. If you have a strong preference on what bottle your baby takes that’s perfectly fine. Do not fall for the “most like the breast” advertisements… no bottle is ever “like the breast.” They’re different, no matter what. Here are some that can make the transition between breast and bottle a little easier (I also think these bottles have glass versions!).

  • Pillows

    • You’ll likely want some support holding up your itty-bitty to your chest while nursing, rather than relying on your own muscle strength 24 hrs/day. You’ll also want 8 hands to help you, but unfortunately you cannot register for that:) So, a pillow will have to do! Read reviews and chat with friends about this because people have very strong opinions about pillows. Overall My Breast Friend seems to be the top contender here, but get what works for you!

  • Bras

    • Do you need bras for nursing, pumping, or both? As we know all too well, a good bra can be invaluable. The biggest issues I see with nursing bras are lack of support and an inability to hold breast pumps in place. Nursing bras aren’t intended to be super supportive (even though that’s the whole reason we wear bras.) Conversely, the point of a nursing bra is that you’ll have the flexibility to nurse as needed without having to take all your clothes off. Keep in mind it is not a good idea to wear a bra that is too tight due to the increased risk of plugged ducts and mastitis. So, here are some popular options but make sure to read reviews to find out what fit is best for your body type and needs.

  • Haakaa

    • This can act as a pump or help catch additional milk. It’s best when used with instructions from a lactation consultant.

There are so many other things I could list here… and I promise I will share with you on another post! These are just things that are helpful to include on a registry!


What NOT To Register For:

Mamaroo: this response came from SO MANY moms. So take it from other Birmingham Breastfeeding moms that the mama roo just ain’t worth it.

Swaddle Blankets: you’ll be given them no matter what. I promise you do not need more than 4. I knowwww they come in so many cute patterns but they take up so much room, especially when you end up with like 20… like I did. Also, the only blanket I actually swaddled with were the pink and blue ones from the hospital. I actually used them more as a blankey, burp rag, or nursing cover.

Anything that is a duplicate! If you really love something, you can go back and buy a second, but you don’t want two of something you may not actually use (refer back to swaddle blankets above lol)


Okay, I feel like that was a lot of information. If you take away anything from this blog post, I hope you understand that you actually don’t need as much as it may seem. My best advice is to talk to other moms, read reviews, and watch YouTube product reviews to decide if it actually needs to go on your registry. You’re likely going to need something you don’t register for and vice versa. We wish you the best of luck during your pregnancy and don’t forget to reach out to us for a prenatal consultation in order to prepare to feed your little one!

We are rooting for you!!!


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